Now that Micheal Jackson is dead and is totally dominating the E-News world, I'll finally blog about Jon & Kate. Cuz you know, everyone has an opinion, and dammit, why should I shut mine up now?
I used to like this show. It made me feel good on a rough day. You know, in that mystical, parental "feel guilty because I struggle with one kid, let alone eight" sort of way. I tended to ignore Kate's off-putting occassional meanie attitude, but I always felt it wasn't fair to criticize her, as I am not in her shoes. I can't say that my house would be even a fraction as clean as hers, and I totally know that my patience? Hahaha, well, let's just say I'd be putting on my Fidel style hat a bit more and adding a lil' "Drill Sargeant" into my swagger fo' sho.
I like to speculate occassionally (there alot of that going on in this post). I'm someone who is familiar with the entertainment business and I have a pretty good idea about how much pressure a network can put on someone. They'll romance you, "advise" you, flat out threaten you. I still wonder though, why Kate can't be forthright in what truly motivates her to allow the show to continue for as long as it has. I don't buy all the "for the kids" crap. It's about money, and I think she should not set the status of the female gender back so far as to try and be noble about something that is so thin you can puncture it with cooked spaghetti. If it takes balls to do that sort of show, it takes balls to be honest about why your doing it. Balls out honey. Balls. Out.
I have a full time job. "A career". She is always talking about her "new career". My career takes me away from my home each day, but at the END of the day, I'm home. I gave up an opportunity for success in entertainment because it would mean being away from my boy - on top of my already busy life as a working mother. I could have chased the extra money and fame and claimed "it's for my kid!" with angelic intentions of opening an RESP and setting him up for his future. But at the end of it all - it's time that is priceless. It's time you cannot get back and time that can cause the most damage, or mend the deepest hurts. It breaks my heart enough saying "see you at dinner" every morning. That's just the tip of the iceberg of guilt I carry with with my ONE boy. I couldn't fathom the option of career that included trips and tours for a month or more at a time and leaving eight of my babies behind. Sure, if I had eight I'd want to take off for a month too - but for shit sakes DON'T WE ALL?!
Kate's kids don't know what life is like without a camera and production crew who comes around. How will that play out when those people and routines go away?
Anyway, after seeing the birthday party episode which contained a few sad ("Daddy don't leave again") and creepy (paprazzi stalkers across the pond) moments, I decided I wasn't going to take time out of my day to devote to watching this train wreck anymore. In the end, for me, it's about kids. My wish is for them to grow up healthy contributors to this world. However, to get there, one less pair of starring eyes into their private lives will at the very least make *me* feel better about it.
I've included these funny clips.