Okay. This post is the first of a new category of posts I will include on Daxohol. It is called, Sloppy Smooches From Daxohol. I thought about adding this category because I am surrounded by so many wonderful souls that make my life the just *that* much more interesting and I feel that it's healthy in friendships to tell them how much they mean to you. But, I am not so good at that kind of stuff in person. I just end up sounding like one of those crazy guys downtown trying to ask you the time but ends up taking a 5 mile conversational journey through some rain forest in Alaska where he thought he saw an old friend named Ted.
Like I said, this is only the first, this is not going in any order.
I am going to kick things off with Auntie Bernie and Unckie Science Bear.
Auntie Bernie. A sexy redhead with a singing voice that makes your hair blow back. She's got talent, brains and perhaps most important of all, she's got cats and Unckie Science Bear. Unckie Science Bear. Think of a skyscraper with a go-tee that could recite the periodic table and tell you how fast your blinking. He is actually a Scientist. Right Unckie Science Bear?!
They spent almost the whole day with me in the hospital the day Daxon was born. They threw a baby shower for us, and most of all, they host the biggest, baddest, most freaked out Labour Day Weekend Bash on the planet. People die and get reborn and get married at this party.
Daxon loves it when they come to babysit. The first time they babysat, Daxon fell asleep on Unckie Science Bear while he was having his bedtime stories. That deep low soothing voice...of course, you realize Unckie Science Bear deviates from the plot of Roosevelt Rhino's bedtime routine and fills the story with much more fascinating information about the mechanics of the train Roosevelt has.
On Tuesday, they came to be with Daxon while we went to a rehearsal for a show. They arrived on their motorcycle. The motorcycle of course, which Daxon later stole. That night, after they found Daxon and the motorcycle in one piece, Auntie Bernie put Daxon in the bath. Daxon rewarded her by saying "Auntie! Auntie! Auntie!" This rewarded Unckie Science Bear with a track record for clearing all the stairs in one single bound (yes, he's THAT tall) to see what horrible scene awaited him after hearing Auntie shrieking BEAR! BEAR!
One time, pre-Daxoholism, I was locked out of my house. It was cold and raining outside. There where wolves after me. They where the only ones around to hear my pathetic plea for help. They rescued me. They took me in, made me a meatball sub, fed me delicious fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and let me crash on their couch.
Daxon is going to be spending some time at the cottage with Auntie Bernie and Unckie Science Bear this summer. Hopefully, Unckie Science Bear won't have to clear the entire beach strip to learn Daxon said "Avogadro's Number". Fortunately, baby monitors only work one way.
Auntie Bernie and I have a special chemistry. We can speak simultaneously for paragraphs on end, but totally miss trying to high five. We like to bash our heads against walls too. She saw my boob in Lake Erie before Dave La Dave almost did. Thank you sweetheart. You know I am forever indebted to you.
Unckie Science Bear fixes our broken or badly behaving stuff. His heart is actually bigger than he is. Even if that sounds scientifically impossible, it's possible. He's scientific proof.
Auntie Bernie assures me I'm not crazy. She is way crazier than I am. She is a strong soul, with a deep heart and a free spirit. She sends waves of laughter everywhere she goes by asking randomly "HEY! WANNA SEE SOME PORN?!"
Bernie, Science Bear, you are gift to the Daxohol family. We all love you both very much.